Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How is my sewer bill calculated?
A. The sewer system does not have a separate metering system. Sewer bills are calculated using the water meter readings.
Q. What do I do if the light and/or alarm are going off on my grinder pump?
A. Contact your local service provider Fischer Electric in Schnellville at
389-2418 to troubleshoot and make the necessary repairs.
Q. May I bring my payment to the PLRWSD office?
A. No. PLRWSD is not set up to receive payments at our office. Payments should be mailed to the payment address.
Q. How much time should I allow for my payment to make it through the postal service?
A. You should allow 7 to 10 days in advance of the due date to ensure on-time arrival of your payment. Payments are considered received by the deposit date at the payment address, not by postmark on envelope.
Q. Why is my water bill so high?
A. The most common causes of high bills are toilet and faucet leaks. These leaks are often hard to detect. You may have had to “jiggle the handle” to make a toilet stop running or a faucet may be old and difficult to turn off completely. Pools and lawn irrigation systems can also be the source of problems. During the summer, lawn watering or a hose left on may be the reason for a high bill. In the winter, pipes may freeze and burst
Q. What is the box sticking up in my yard by my water meter?
A. It is a device that allows PLRWSD meter reading personnel to electronically read meters while driving by. This device expedites meter reading substantially keeping costs down for the consumer. It is imperative these be kept in good condition, clear of landscaping and debris, to ensure accurate reading of your meter. Also, periodically maintenance is performed on the meter itself. Please make sure the lid remains uncovered and properly attached. If the lid is slightly ajar, the meter can freeze in the winter months. Should you notice any problems, please contact us.
Q. Why do I not have a box sticking up in my yard by my water meter any longer?
A. PLRWSD is in the process of changing out all water meters with the box to a new type meter that has the antenna inside the lid.
Q. What is a Water and Sewer District?
A. The Patoka Lake Regional Water and Sewer District was organized in 1975 as an independent political entity of the State of Indiana pursuant to Indiana Statute IC 1971, 19-3-11 by the Stream Pollution Control Board of the State of Indiana for the purpose of treatment and distribution of water.
Q. Is PLRWSD considered a not-for-profit organization?
A. PLRWSD operates on a schedule of rates that reflects only operation and maintenance expenses and debt service and reserve costs. Customers are not charged for a rate of return on their investment. Therefore, PLRWSD is considered a not-for-profit organization.
Q. How is PLRWSD governed?
A. PLRWSD is governed by a seven (7) member Board of Directors to be selected as follows:
One Director representing the Indiana Department of Natural Resources appointed by the Governor of Indiana
One Director from each County of Crawford, Dubois, and Orange and shall be a County Commissioner of that County and appointed by their respective Board of Commissioners.
One Director from each County of Crawford, Dubois, and Orange shall be a resident freeholder appointed by the County Council of their respective County.